Breast is one part of a very intimate guarded by every woman. Many women in Indonesia assume that the beautiful breasts will increase your confidence. So no wonder that every woman should be aware of the dangers of breast cancer, though male breast cancer can also occur but in the scale of the risk is lower.
Overview of Breast Cancer
Breast cancer (mammary carcinoma) is a cancer that attacks the breast tissue. Breast cancer is a disease that is very dangerous and deadly. Usually breast cancer in women with symptoms who secretly happens to the body unnoticed. The level of malignancy of breast cancer is divided into stage breast cancer.
At an early stage, the characteristics of stage 1 breast cancer is already known. The following full review.
The symptoms
breast-cancer-stadium-1LG-okGejala stage 1 breast cancer, it is still difficult to detect, because at this stage there are usually people with no pain or pain in the breast. However, the symptoms have started to be recognized, namely:
Small lumps in the breast or under the arm with a diameter of no more than 2 cm. These lumps are painless for the patient.
If we press the breast, it will kerluar milky white liquid that is odorless.
Puckered breast skin and pores - pores breast skin becomes rough.
How to know the symptoms of breast cancer, can be done by checking his own early, as follows:
Know your breast form, compare the shape of the breast when we put both hands on his head and hands on hips.
Raise your left hand to the head.
Palpate the breast with menggukan surface with a little finger on tap. You can rotate the pattern and the up and down when pressed and feel of your breasts.
Press nipple slowly and see if there is a discharge.
Examine the breast area, the armpit and sternum in a lying position.
Do the same on the right breast
Take steps early checks during the week after the menstrual period. A week after the menstrual period, usually the hormones estrogen and progesterone are at low levels. At that moment early check can be easily performed. Do this routine breast check, every month.
Many of the women who did not realize that she had breast cancer. So, as a woman we should be wary of what happens to us. So that we can avoid breast cancer then we must know exactly what causes breast cancer, especially at the level of the beginning of this first stage:
1.Obesity is a condition where we have a large excess weight. Obesity makes us difficult to move and the body will feel heavy. Obese people are very vulnerable to many diseases, one of which is a disease of breast cancer.
2. The fat content
3. Genetics (family history)
4. Radiation from ionizing
5. Disease Fibrocystic
6. The reproduction
7. The use of hormones
8. Consumption of unhealthy foods
Prevention is the most prudent action than we have to treat. How to prevent breast cancer is to be done as early as possible, especially to avoid breast cancer 1, namely:
Regular exercise
Do not eat foods that contain a lot of fat
Do not consume foods that contain substances harmful to the body
Drinking water hygiene
Eating fruits and vegetables regularly, and
Taking medicine cancer prevention (should consult with your doctor first).
Stage 1 breast cancer treatment conducted by medical action is the act of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.
Surgery, performed to remove breast lumps paFda
Chemotherapy, made to kill cancer cells by taking certain anti-cancer drugs into the body. The effects of chemotherapy hair loss, nausea, and fatigue in sufferers.
Radiation therapy, is the act of shooting a bump with a high-energy rays to kill cancer cells.
Condition 1-stage breast cancer, also still be allowed to be treated by natural means, namely by consuming a mixture of mangosteen peel extract, soursop leaves, apples and honey. The mixture of mangosteen peel extract, soursop leaves, apples and honey is believed to destroy breast cancer cells. Mangosteen peel extract has anti-proliferation properties which serve to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. In addition, the extract of apoptosis is also useful to help the destruction of cancer cells.