Symptoms, Causes, and How to Prevent Breast Cancer

Symptoms, Causes, and How to Prevent Breast Cancer

Mammary carcinoma or generally referred to as breast cancer is one type of malignant cancer that can strike women. This cancer can grow in the breast tissue as well as the milk gland duct and fatty tissue or connective tissue in the breast.

The symptoms caused by breast cancer are:
Symptoms of Breast Cancer Early Stage
Patients with early stage breast cancer will experience a small bump, where the shape and size of the lump is different from the breast tissue. The lump can be pushed by hand. Even so, the patient will not experience pain or pain in the early stages of breast cancer.

Symptoms of Advanced Breast Cancer
In advanced breast cancer, lumps generally experienced in the early stdium will stick to the skin or chest. In addition, the bump will experience swelling. Even from a few cases, the lump could be ulcers on the skin of the breast.

As for the other symptoms of advanced stage are:
Lumps in the armpit area
Shape and size of the breast will change
Nipple discharge is not normal like blood, yellow and green colored fluid and pus
Color and texture of the breast skin will change
Breast pain
These symptoms should be completely known to every woman, in order to more easily diagnose at an early stage when there is a risk. There are also several factors that cause breast cancer, although uncertain, but these factors make women more susceptible to breast cancer.

As for some of the factors or causes of breast cancer are:
Factors Age. Age over 60 years makes women more susceptible to breast cancer.
Family history. Breast cancer can also occur when there is a family history of breast cancer, for example grandmother, mother or aunt (aunt).
Menarche (first menstrual period). The younger a woman is experiencing menarche, the greater the risk of breast cancer.
The use of the Pill. The use of birth control pills is also one of the causes of breast cancer. Even so, it remains dependent on the duration of use, age and other factors.
Alcohol. Women who consume alcoholic beverages more than 2 drinks per day have a greater risk of developing breast cancer.
Breast cancer is a malignant cancer, but that does not mean the disease is not treatable. But before treating, it helps us to prevent this disease before. According to some health experts, diet and a healthy lifestyle is the best way to avoid the prevention of breast cancer.

Thus some of the symptoms, causes and ways to prevent breast cancer. It is advisable to perform a breast examination by an intense and mammography, for screening procedure is an effective way to diagnose breast cancer early.